~The Rocky Mountain Compiler~

Issue 1 Spring 2000 Issued Quarterly

Newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Region of ASPRS, serving Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico

> Winter 2000
> Fall 2000
> Summer 2000
> Spring 2000

Inside This Issue

GIS in the Rockies: Call for Papers
Welcome New Members!!!
Region Past President's Message
Region Incoming President's Message
Annual Dinner Meeting Report
National Director's Report
Support Available for Student Chapters
Scholarship Program Report
Upcoming Conferences
Editor's Note
Rocky Mountain Region Officers

GIS in the Rockies: Call for Papers

The First Announcement and Call for Papers for GIS in the Rockies 2000 has been mailed. The theme is "Applications for the 21st Century" and the dates are 25-27 September. Abstracts (maximum 200 words) are to be submitted by e-mail to jschmidt@igc.org, by the first of May. Application tracks include Internet, Infrastructure Management, Imagery Integration, Management of Native Lands, Law Enforcement, Surveying and GIS, Natural Resources, Visualization and Modeling, Real Estate and Business Geographics, Advanced Technologies, and Local Government. Include author name, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers, address, affiliation, and indicate if you wish to give a talk or have a poster. For conference updates and information go to http://www.gisintherockies.org/.

Sponsors for the conference include ASPRS, ACSM, GITA, URISA, and this year for the first time the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado (PLSC).

As technology advances at ever-increasing rates and the mapping sciences converge, this meeting offers everyone a chance to update skills and learn about new mapping tools.

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Welcome New Members!!!

The Rocky Mountain Region welcomes its newest members:


Bob Almodovar
Richard J. Aspinall
David M. Baumgartner
Shawn P. Callaghan
Claude J. Carrier
John R. Vande Castle
Mark Cook
John R. Copple
Andy Dinville
John C. Dohrenwend
Edwin D. Falconer
David R. Fletcher
Katherine Bolling Furmer
Brian M. Gunderson
Mike Haynes
Russell W. Jones
David Lorenzini
Donald Moran
Regina Morton
Dan Rodriguez


Christian Schumann-Curtis
Hanson Danay
Alan V. DiVittorio
Lisa M. Kurtzhals
Dorothy N. McNeese
Tyler D. Schleicher
Sandra E. Stuart
Dana L. Watson

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Region Past President's Message

In preparing this, my last message to the Rocky Mountain Region membership as 1999 President, I am amazed at how fast the year went by! Certainly, I came in with optimism and ideas of what needed to be done. A year later, I am pleased by what was accomplished, a bit chastened by all the things remaining and excited by the changes and opportunities I see ahead. In my year as President, I was fortunate to have an excellent Board of Directors to work with, and I am grateful for the hard work and dedication they all brought to this volunteer organization.

In preparing the Annual Region report to ASPRS National Headquarters, I submitted a form that outlines how we did in the year past. This form can be looked at in terms of what HQ wants to see, but is also useful as a perspective of the activities and functions that make a successful region. Some of the items in the outline were pretty standard, such as how many board meetings there were (7), and what kinds of social and technical meetings there were (Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers, GIS in the Rockies Conference, reception at PECORA and the Space Imaging Open House). There were also topics in the outline, like sponsorship of meetings, support to HQ, support to student chapters, and how the Region communicates with its membership. We sponsored PECORA 14 and GIS in the Rockies. Rocky Mountain Region supported HQ by providing information or help as needed: volunteer staff at PECORA, issues such as Open Skies, professional certification, and region boundaries. We support our student chapters by providing pizza and soft drinks for student chapter meetings. Rocky Mountain Region communicates with its membership through mailings and newsletters (4). During the year we also worked hard on the continuing transition to electronic information transfer, using e-mail and our website for newsletters and society information. We have contracted with a good friend and past ASPRS National President, Tina Cary, to assist the region in preparing our newsletters and improving the information flow to our members. In addition, we have redefined one of the Board positions, renaming a "Regional Director - General" position to "Regional Director - Communications Coordinator" to incorporate the duties of the newsletter editor with Internet communications.

Through this reporting process, I realized how much the society and region mean to me personally and professionally. The benefits I gain are far in excess of the effort I have expended. I hope that, as you read this, you also find a benefit to your membership in ASPRS, and that you will be inclined to become more active in your region. There are many ways in which you can participate in the Rocky Mountain Region, regardless of where you live. Look up one of the board members, listed in each newsletter, and give them a call. Any of us would be happy to hear from you and willing to share ideas.


Allen Cook, Past President

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Region Incoming President's Message

If you have read this far into our first newsletter of the twenty-first century, you are probably wondering what new and wonderful things are happening and will be brought to you by your regional chapter of ASPRS. As the incoming president of the Rocky Mountain Region it is my job to remind you of the purpose of the chapter level organization and to highlight what we plan for the year ahead that should interest you.

The reasons for the existence of ASPRS-RMR are to support some of the functions of the national organization at the local or regional level. Some of these roles include to increase membership in the society of professionals in the mapping sciences; to disseminate ideas and innovation through the sponsorship of regular regional conferences and workshops; and, my favorite one, to foster personal and professional relationships among, and for the long-term benefit of, our regional members.

As always, a new year brings in a new ASPRS-RMR Board of Directors. This year we have some new faces on the board, helping to guide the direction we head for the remainder of the year. The newest board members include Bob Wright from EarthWatch and Jim Jensen from ERDAS. Others who have only been on the board for about a year include Jeff Liedtke, also from EarthWatch, Scott Bennett from ImageLinks, and myself. You can find all the board members on the list at the end of this newsletter and, as can be seen, they represent quite a broad spectrum of the industry and profession. All of these factors together should contribute to a lot of new energy and ideas: the region always needs to remain vibrant. A sign that the regional board is succeeding occurred during our election in the last quarter of 1999, which saw an actual run-off for a number of board positions for the first time in recent memory!

However, just to remind you, the ASPRS-RMR is not only composed of the officers on the regional board but also, and most importantly, you the members of ASPRS in the states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. Therefore, I want to encourage you to communicate with us regarding any subject related to our business and participate, whenever and wherever possible, in any of our regional events and forums.

Which brings me to my next subject: what's going on, or what is planned, for 2000. My goal for the year is to draw our regional members closer together. The main event for the year will be the "GIS in the Rockies" conference held, as usual, in the biggest regional mapping center, Denver, in September. This show, co-sponsored by ASPRS-RMR, will be a terrific opportunity for you all to network with your peers as well as become updated on the business and science of the industry. This year's show will be even bigger and better than ever before. Much more information can be found on the show web site. I won't go into the many other ASPRS nationally sponsored conferences here. This information can all be found at www.asprs.org. Hopefully, we will have fun to come after we get a few social events organized throughout the summer. Some of the ideas that have been discussed include a golf tournament or outing and an evening cocktail reception. As you may already know we recently had our annual dinner at the Boulder Dinner Theater. We would like to see many more new guests there next year from places other than the Denver Metro area. On a slightly more serious note, we will be arranging a number of technical tours very soon that will excite you. All of these events will not only benefit the society and the profession but will also provide the opportunity for you to meet new contacts, exchange information, and perhaps even strike up a deal!

Other items that need mention: We will finally have a new web site up and running that will definitely be worth checking often for regional news and information. Being Internet savvy as we are at ASPRS-RMR, we plan to keep you all well informed of relevant regional happenings by e-mail as well. Students, keep your eyes on an upgraded (in dollars!) scholarship program. Our Past President, Allen Cook, has a plan to start up additional student chapters after the tremendous success of the one at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado.

I would like to hear any comments, complaints, or queries that you may have on anything that concerns our local ASPRS chapter in 2000 and look forward to assisting you in any way I can. Thanks in advance for your loyal support of ASPRS.

Rob Eadie, President

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Annual Dinner Meeting Report

The 2000 Annual Rocky Mountain Region ASPRS Dinner Meeting was held on January 21 at the Boulder Dinner Theatre. There were about 30 participants at this year's dinner. Allen Cook, outgoing President for 1999, conducted the business meeting. He gave a summary of the activities that occurred in the Rocky Mountain Region during 1999, the highlights being the "GIS in the Rockies" conference which was held in October and the PECORA conference in December. Allen presented awards to several Board Members for their contributions to the Region during the past year. Becky Bottlemy, National Director, reported on the National scene, including the annual conference in Portland and the PECORA conference in Denver. Rob Eadie, 1999 Vice President and incoming President, then presented the scholarship award to Steve Kroeker. Steve and his spouse attended the dinner as guests of the Region. The new and continuing Officers were introduced, then sworn in by ASPRS National Past President Roger Hoffer. At that point, the Business Meeting was concluded and we all enjoyed dinner and an excellent performance of "Fiddler on the Roof." Everyone had a great time!

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National Director's Report

On the National scene, the budget is looking good: the Society is now operating in the black. A new Associate Membership level is going to be offered to allow students graduating a better incentive to join or maintain their memberships. Headquarters is in the process of getting all of the computer equipment and software upgraded. Just in the past few days I have voted on nominees for the Fellowship Awards and the projected budget for the next year. Preparations are being made for the ASPRS 2000 Conference in Washington, DC. May 22-26.

Becky Bottlemy, National Director ASPRS-RMR

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Support Available for Student Chapters

Last year the Board of Directors decided that the Region ought to do more to support its Student Chapters throughout the Region: this means you folks in Wyoming, Montana, and New Mexico, too! The region will pay for pizza and soft drinks to be served at meetings of Student Chapters. Last year we supported the chapter at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, where they have quarterly meetings with presentations by both student researchers and outside speakers. If your Student Chapter is doing something along these lines, we want to make it a little easier on your budget, so just contact one of your Board members for more information.

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Scholarship Program Report

The winner of the 1999 Travelling Scholarship to attend the Pecora 14 conference was Steve Kroeker, who submitted an abstract of his paper on "Integrating Video Mapping for Environmental Management". He is currently studying for a Masters in Science Degree in Forestry with an emphasis in GIS and Remote Sensing at the Colorado State University. He was a guest of the Region at the Annual Dinner Meeting in January.

The Board is gearing up for the Year 2000 Scholarship Program. Stay tuned...

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Upcoming Conferences

International Symposium and Field Seminar on Present State and Future Trends of Karst Studies, September 17-26, 2000, Marmaris, Turkey. Web site: www.karst.hacettepe.edu.tr or e-mail to ggunay@hacettepe.edu.tr. For more information contact Dr. A. Ivan Johnson, 7474 Upham Court, Arvada, CO 80003-2758, voice 303-425-5610, fax 303-425-5655.

GIS in the Rockies 2000, Applications for the 21st Century. 25-27 September 2000, Plaza at the Mart, Denver, Colorado. Abstracts are due 1 May http://www.gisintherockies.org/

Symposium on Spatial Methods for Solution of Environmental and Hydrologic Problems: Science, Policy, and Standardization -- Implications for Environmental Decisions, January 25-26, 2001, Reno, Nevada. Abstracts are due March 31, 2000. For more information contact Dr. A. Ivan Johnson, 7474 Upham Court, Arvada, CO 80003-2758, voice 303-425-5610, fax 303-425-5655.

ASPRS 2000 Annual Meeting, "Launching the Geospatial Information Age," will be at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, DC May 22-26.

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Editor's Note:

We are currently scheduling technical tours and networking sessions for the year. Be watching our web site for updated information. We will be e-mailing you with announcements as these plans are finalized. We are also getting the web site redesigned and updated; please bear with us as we make these changes. Send any material for the newsletter to Sheila P. at sgp@denverwater.org.

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Rocky Mountain Region Officers

This contact information is provided to make it easy for you to get involved
President Robert Eadie
EagleScan, Inc.
1770 Range St., Suite B
Boulder, CO 80301
Work: 303-473-9100
Fax: 303-473-9111
Vice President Jeff Liedtke
EarthWatch, Inc.
1900 Pike Road
Longmont, CO 80501
Work: 303-682-4983
Fax: 303-682-3848
Secretary Robert Wright
EarthWatch, Inc.
1900 Pike Road
Longmont, CO 80501
Work: 303-682-3814
Fax: 303-682-3848
Treasurer Scott Bartling
Northern Colorado
  Water Conservancy District
PO Box 679
1250 North Wilson Avenue
Loveland, CO 80539
Work: 970-667-2437
Fax: 970-663-6907
National Director Becky Bottlemy
P.O. Box 25046
MS 509
Denver, CO 80225
Work: 303-202-4635
Fax: 303-202-4504
Regional Director
(GIS in the Rockies)
Brook Wilson
City and County of Denver
303 W. Colfax Ave.
Suite 1400
Denver, CO 80204
Work: 720-913-9510
Fax: 720-913-8801
Regional Director
(GIS in the Rockies)
Scott Bennett
ImageLinks, Inc.
8753 Yates Dr.
Suite 200
Westminster, CO 80031
Work: 303-301-2660
Fax: 303-301-2601
Regional Director
(Communications Coordinator)
Sheila Pelczarski
Denver Water
1600 West 12th Avenue
Denver, CO 80254
Work: 303-628-6511
Fax: 303-628-6852
Regional Director (General) Jim Jensen
7720 E. Belleview Ave.
Suite 220
Englewood, CO 80111
Work: 303-221-5720
Fax: 303-221-5722
Regional Director (At-Large) Tom Cooley
3550 Aberdeen Ave. SE
Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 87117-5776
Work: 505-846-2986
Fax: 505-846-7795
Past President Allen Cook
200 Union Blvd., Suite 100
Lakewood, CO 80226
Work: 303-969-5995
Fax: 303-969-5256

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This newsletter is web-published by Cary and Associates

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